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Welcome. 99.9% here was about random rants and good shits. HISTORY never changes, cannot be changed as well.

Awkwardly handcoded by sekaryoshioka. Picts are from weheartit. Edited fully by duizhang. All right reserved.

9 August 2015 @ 11:21:00 pm
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Dokyun laid on the bad across Sihyoung's bed, while reading a manhwa.
"It's have been 30mins since you stared at the mirror,"
Dokyun took a glance and put his manhwa on the desk beside.
Sihyoung tilted his head onto Dokyun's direction.
"Remember when you met me for the first time and you thought I'm a girl?"
Dokyun bursted into laugh.
"You're so random on this hour," Dokyun crept from the bed and fumbled for another manhwa he borrowed from Jaeho.
"But, you does look like a girl,"
"And you looks like a vocal trainer,"
"I know, I have the face and talent,"
Sihyoung cackled.
"Hyung, since when you read manhwas?"
"Since, its late night and my eyesight are getting dim," Dokyun flipped the next page. "It's ain't that bad well,".
"Your eyesight was nice, you didn't need glasses but you does look good in glasses,".
It took a moment of Dokyun's conscious mind that Sihyoung's face were damn near to his face that he could feel his hot breathe, while the feeling went down to his spine bringing it out tickling feelings, maybe like adrenaline?
"I think I know why I thought you're a girl at the moment,"
Sihyoung taken aback that he moved his face back abit. "Sure, tell me why."
Dokyun went forward to Sihyoung's side.
Unconsciously, he stared at Sihyoung's side profile, observing it one by one.
Obviously, Sihyoung's body were also totally in numb.
"Your eyelashes."
Dokyun pulled his face away.
Unknowingly, Sihyoung's blood rushes inside when he could feel Dokyun's breathe blowing near his left ear earlier.
While Dokyun realized that Sihyoung was still in petrous, he grabbed his iphone to prove it.
As he change the camera mode into front camera, he shoved it to Sihyoung.
"For reasons, I'm indeed an Ulzzang." Sihyoung grinned in satisfaction.


First time trial.
Overload of feels should be expressed
I'll ended up exploding.
p/s: inspired by random yaoi feels and sihyoung's beautiful eyelashes lmfao.

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